Our farm story
When we started planting the farm in 2009, prior construction and tractor use had severely damaged the land and compacted the soil.
The once abundant native plants, grasses and shrubs were destroyed in the process and replaced by almost every "bad" weed possible to have in New Mexico. For many growing seasons, the most prolific of these weeds to grow in our beds and orchard was the tumbleweed.
Our combined sustainable agriculture and Permaculture backgrounds guided us to find ways to rebuild the soil using cover crops, composting, and rain catchment. This allowed us to plant fruit trees, flowers, and native grasses to maximize shade and create a thriving habitat for our animal and insect allies.
After learning about the harmful methods used to harvest, mine and transport many of the popular 'organic' fertilizers, it became clear that purchasing and using these products was not inline with our values or intentions.
So, we decided to make our own. We responsibly and respectfully harvest plants, (often invasive weeds!), fish and fungi from within our ecoregion. These become the fertilizers and amendments that feed our cultivated plants and soil. We have observed healthier plants, higher yields, and better terpene production.
It is our ongoing commitment that the plants grown on our farm be healing, regenerative and beneficial to the planet, as well as to the consumer and community.